Decoupage Fiber Paper Table Makeover

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Decoupage Fiber Paper for this old table makeover creates a gorgeous new look! 

Hello sweet friends!

How about some fun Trashy Treasures today?? It’s that time of the month! Let’s go!

Today I’m doing a table I just picked up at the ReStore. I run by there occasionally and found this sweet little table on my last visit. I considered tiling the top because you guys know how much I love to tile things! Ha! It was perfect for tile with that rim around but I decided to do something completely different instead.

Interested in tiled projects though? Here are a few.

I have lots of other tiled projects that aren’t furniture you can see them here.

But today is TRASHY TREASURE day!

Decoupage Fiber Paper Table Makeover

And I’m sharing a brand new, not tiled, project! 😉 My friends are sharing theirs’ too so be sure to scroll to the bottom to see!

Here is it “before”…

brown stained small table

And the top…

stained wood table top damaged

Perfect for tile! But I went another way.


I lightly sanded the whole thing as the finish was somewhat slick.

sanding with sandpapersanding with sandpaper


Then I used our TSP Alternative to clean it well.

tsp alt in sprayertsp alt in sprayer

I love these continuous sprayers so much! I keep one with TSP Alt and one with water.


Since it was a slick finish, even though I lightly sanded it, I decided to apply a coat of Ultra Grip.

ultra grip bottleultra grip bottle

I love this stuff! It really is the “glue” that holds the paint oh so well in those shiny, slick situations.


It’s best to let that dry at least 12 hours or so then apply paint. (by the way, it dries clear so you can not see it on your project once it is dry)

elderberry pint of paintelderberry pint of paint

I used this gorgeous color called Elderberry. It’s so rich and beautiful, I just love it.

MATERIALS LIST (Decoupage Fiber Paper Project)

Prefer to shop on Etsy? I have an Etsy shop also, here!


painting on the elderberry on table toppainting on the elderberry on table top

I also used it on this project:

finished painted tablefinished painted table

Decoupage Fiber

I decided to use this gorgeous floral decoupage fiber on the top.

decoupage fiber laying on tabledecoupage fiber laying on table

Isn’t it so pretty? You could use it on a dresser front also. So many options!

There are several ways you can cut and measure this. Well, one, simply measure and cut.

Or like I am showing here, I simply ran a stick along the crease (to make a crease in the paper to follow).

creasing decoupage fiber with stickcreasing decoupage fiber with stick

I did that on all sides.

decoupage fiber on tabledecoupage fiber on table

And then used my cutting mat to cut it straight following those crease lines.

cutting decoupage fibercutting decoupage fiber


I used our Transfer and Decoupage Gel to attach the decoupage fiber.

decoupage gel in jar

Apply a layer of the decoupage gel and attach the decoupage fiber.

laying fiber paper over gellaying fiber paper over gel

Press firmly to make sure it is fully adhered to the gel and base.

rubbing to securerubbing to secure


Once that was dry, I went over it with GLOSS Tough Coat Topcoat.

gloss topcoat over decoupage fiber papergloss topcoat over decoupage fiber paper

I actually did about 3 coats, drying in between. I wanted it to be very well protected and I wanted it to be a bit shiny. Only on the top though! I left the base, as-is with just the matte finish of the paint.

And done!

table finish with couchtable finish with couch

The 3 coats of Gloss Topcoat really make that decoupage fiber look dreamy and deep.

finished table with couchfinished table with couch

Isn’t that Elderberry paint color just beautiful?

up close of painted table legup close of painted table leg

up close of painted table legup close of painted table leg

finished table on rug with couchfinished table on rug with couch

Top view…

top view of finished tabletop view of finished table

I love the top a bit shiny.

slant view showing how shiny is the topslant view showing how shiny is the top

Have you tried any of the Decoupage Fibers yet?? Check them out >>> here! I actually have about 15 more designs that I’ll be adding to my shop later this week. Stay tuned!

PIN it to save it!

Decoupage Fiber Paper for this old table makeover creates a gorgeous new look!

Don’t forget to visit my friends and see their makeovers too!

before treasures before treasures

  1. Confessions of a Serial DIYer
  2. Prodigal Pieces
  3. Salvaged Inspirations

Hope you have an amazing week, friends!


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