It’s Fall y’all!! So cliche but I have to say it… it’s my favorite time of year and I live in Texas so it’s like mandatory to say it around here. It’s not even really Fall yet technically but it is September so that starts it for me, September 1, even if it’s 100+ degrees out.
Ok, let’s get down to business.

Look how good these are!

I was thrilled to find these because I’d been wanting to do a long Fall centerpiece on my dining table. These long tables can be tricky to decorate sometime because, well, they are just long. Most things look too small. If you put something in the center of it it doesn’t seem like enough so then you try and add something to it but that seems weird. Let’s face it, they are kinda just awkward to decorate.
Your best bet is a long centerpiece and that’s exactly what I did.
Here are the steps to recreating my Fall centerpiece.
The one linked is really long but it was still too short for my table. You want the runner hanging off each edge a few inches.
It’s really hard to find extra long table runners and I find it’s cheaper to buy two short ones and layer them together nine times out of ten. My table is 95″ long for reference.
Next, you’ll need a couple of small cake/cupcake stands or candle holders, these are to give your pumpkins some height variation, I only used two and mine are black and pretty much blend in. You want them to be a dark color or at least match and go unnoticed in your centerpiece. You could always spray paint them if you have some old ones laying around.
Here are the steps to create your long centerpiece…
Get your table runners and your wood riser/tray centered on the table.

Add your cake stands. I did the taller one toward the back third and the shorter one in the front third of my riser. Place a larger pumpkin on each one and then one in the middle on the wood riser.
I then added my candle holders throughout, making sure to stagger the height since they are different heights.

Finally stick in your floral picks making sure to hide the stems under the pumpkins and the other picks. I like to use several of the same picks throughout the center piece. I got four or five of two different picks and three of another one. That’s it and it’s plenty full.
Almost everything I used is linked HERE. Some items were not available online so I found similar items for you to order.
I hope you’ll try to make this for your table. Let me know if you do or if you have any questions!