What is better than a hot gooey s’mores bar on a summer night around the fire?
A frozen s’mores bar on a hot summer day!
These frozen s’mores bars are to die for.
They are easy to put together and will wow your guests.
It’s a combination of chocolate pudding, cool whip, cream cheese, and of course, a crunchy graham cracker crust.

Black cheeseboard can be found here.
{“image”:”https://i.imgur.com/YEKcDQK.jpg”,”name”:”Frozen S’mores Bars”,”prepTime”:”PT10M”,”cookTime”:”PT4H”,”totalTime”:”PT4H10M”,”yield”:”12″,”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”Melaine Thompson”},”video”:null,”recipeIngredient”:[“8 ounces cream cheese at room temp.”,”1 jar (7 oz.) marshmallow fluff”,”1 tub (8 oz.) cool whip”,”2 cups milk (I used whole milk)”,”1 box (3.4 oz. size) instant chocolate pudding”,”24 squares graham crackers (12 full)”],”recipeInstructions”:[“Prepare a 9×13-inch pan by lining it with parchment paper. (The paper should extend up the sides.)”,”In a medium bowl, combine the cream cheese, marshmallow fluff, and cool whip. Pour the mixture into the prepared 9×13-inch pan.”,”In a separate bowl, combine the instant pudding and milk. Mix with a hand mixer (about 2 minutes or until thickened). Pour pudding over the marshmallow mixture and freeze for about 4 hours.”,”Remove the pan from the freezer and top with 12 graham cracker squares.”,”Place a cutting board on top of the pan, and carefully flip the pan over. The contents of the pan should now be on the cutting board.”,”Place the remaining 12 graham cracker squares on the frozen marshmallow mixture. Cut into 12 squares and serve cold!”,”If any of the crackers break after cutting, simply replace them with new halves. “],”@context”:”http://schema.org”,”@type”:”Recipe”}

Frozen S’mores Bars
- 8 ounces cream cheese at room temp.
- 1 jar (7 oz.) marshmallow fluff
- 1 tub (8 oz.) cool whip
- 2 cups milk (I used whole milk)
- 1 box (3.4 oz. size) instant chocolate pudding
- 24 squares graham crackers (12 full)
- Prepare a 9×13-inch pan by lining it with parchment paper. (The paper should extend up the sides.)
- In a medium bowl, combine the cream cheese, marshmallow fluff, and cool whip. Pour the mixture into the prepared 9×13-inch pan.
- In a separate bowl, combine the instant pudding and milk. Mix with a hand mixer (about 2 minutes or until thickened). Pour pudding over the marshmallow mixture and freeze for about 4 hours.
- Remove the pan from the freezer and top with 12 graham cracker squares.
- Place a cutting board on top of the pan, and carefully flip the pan over. The contents of the pan should now be on the cutting board.
- Place the remaining 12 graham cracker squares on the frozen marshmallow mixture. Cut into 12 squares and serve cold!
- If any of the crackers break after cutting, simply replace them with new halves.
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Frozen s’mores are going to be your new favorite summer treat!

10 Summery Frozen Dessert Recipes
3-Ingredient Keto Strawberry Creamsicle Popsicles // Tatertots & Jello
Easy Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Recipe // Twelve On Main
Mochi Ice Cream Recipe // Happy Happy Nester
Easy Ice Cream Cupcakes // My 100 Year Old Home
Homemade Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches // Modern Glam
Homemade Mango Ice Cream Recipe // Paint Me Pink
Biscoff Ice Box Cake // Most Lovely Things
Frozen Mini Key Lime Pies // Life Is Better At Home
Frozen S’mores Bars // My Sweet Savannah
Best Ever Chocolate Hazelnut Gelato // Maison De Cinq
Which ones will you be pinning to your recipe boards?
xoxo, Melaine