Never am I ever…. – DustandDoghair

That Bettye…such a kidder.

The topic for this month’s “Where Bloggers Live” post is “What I Do When I’m Bored.”

Ha, ha….I think Bettye’s trying to tell me something. Throwing down the gauntlet.

Tossing out a topic that says, “Keep it short, Em!”

Bettye may have suspected: I am NEVER bored.

At any given time, I have a project in some kind of progress: I’m either researching how to accomplish my latest hare-brained scheme, or I’m in the middle of a project, obsessing over the details or trying to work out the mess I’ve made, and/or–it seems lately–definitely not writing about whatever I’m working on…

I can blow an entire month figuring out what would be the least problematic way to install wainscoting in my powder room, for example. In fact, that’s exactly how I’ve spent the last month (not to mention the procrastinating).

I want to do something like this in our back hall powder room:

Never am I ever…. – DustandDoghair
via (Designed by Nina Williams Interiors)

As Marsha in the Middle thoughtfully (and gently) noted below in the comments, I attempted this type of molding before in my front hallway stairwell. However, in quite typical D&D fashion…never updated and shared it (quality blogger that I am). I DID finish it!

Not quite a “before”…maybe a “during”?
Wainscoting in a stairwell diy wainscoting
Ta Daaaa!

Let me tell you…I would like to do it everywhere (despite the fact that I spent wayyy too much time overthinking a design quandary).

But, of course there’s always an issue… the doorway is too close to the sidewall; the window is off center; the the commode and sink aren’t centered on the wall to make the boxes evenly spaced; if I put the top rail too high, I’ll run into the electrical switches… and so on. You know what that means?


Oh, no! Not “Mulling!”

The good news is that the mulling was successful! I Youtubed, FamilyHandymanned, and Fine Homebuildinged my way to solving all my “How do I” problems.

So… my powder room looked like this a few weeks ago:

Try not to overdose on the glamour.

And to date I’ve primed and painted the room white, removed all the baseboard molding, and this is where I’m at today:

(I just tried the baseboard molding on for size…but I DO like it!)

I flunked out of Plumbing School, so I have to wait until this Thursday for a plumber to move the sink so I can finish the remaining wall. I did look up how to do it, but visions of an unplanned first-floor fountain convinced me to consult a professional.

After that, it’s caulking and painting and THEN…the top part of the wall.

The top part of the room is the actual hare-brained part that I’ve been mulling and working on since last summer. So, the upper walls are pre-mulled and ready to go!

When has that ever happened in DustandDoghair history?! I think this could be a first! (Insider secret: it has something to do with that memory lane project I keep mentioning.)

So yeah, boredom is really never a thing for me… Procrastinating? Yep. Overthinking? Yep. Wasting time envisioning projects for three years from now? Definitely. Finishing what I’ve started…. HEY! WHO slipped THAT one in here?!!!

Let’s just say that this one is DEFINITELY getting finished!!!




While you’re waiting, please visit my boredom busting blogger buds (oooh, there’s a cringey alliteration) and see how they fill their time.

Please check out:

Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own  
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style

Welcome to “Where Bloggers Live.” It’s kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…Bloggers! 
Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes? 
The second Friday of each month is when this group of seven bloggers link up to share their workspaces, 
homes, towns… or whatever our fearless leader, the fabulous Bettye, proposes.
Make sure you visit everyone to see where the magic happens!

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