Hi friends!
As you know (or may not know if you’re new around here) I like to decorate, a lot.
I also like to get a good deal on things.
I also get sick of decorative things quickly.
I don’t want to buy something and use it for 10 years because I will be sick of it and it will be out of style by then.
Now, of course there are exceptions to this but today, I’m talking about the stuff I’m gonna get sick of.
Which brings me to my kitchen table. I could go to Restoration Hardware and drop $3500 on a table (no chairs included!). I’m gonna get sick of it in 5 years (probably less) and then I can sell it on Facebook Market place for maybe $400-500 if there are no scratches or water rings from glasses or anything else… if I’m lucky.
But I’m also going to feel guilty doing this because I’m gonna be like, “Dang! I spent almost FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS on that table and I don’t even want it anymore. Maybe I should keep it because we spent so much on it. I’m being wasteful. I should definitely keep it longer even though I HATE how it looks in my house now because I changed my design style and that wood tone is totally five years ago. Ugh.”
Can you relate?

So sometimes, actually many times, I’ll buy something that looks good and isn’t so expensive. The quality may not be as high as RH or somewhere like that, but neither is the guilt level when I decide to get rid of it in a few years.
Which leads me to my kitchen table. I actually looked at RH for a dining table and almost bought one that was being discontinued. It was still $1500, which is steep in my mind but a steal from RH. It was going to be our kitchen table and used heavily daily. I remember thinking OMGosh, am I going to be freaking out about this table every time we eat and my boys forget a coaster or heaven forbid they accidentally scratch it!? I felt like I’d always be stressing about it. In the end I waited too long to order and it sold out. A blessing in disguise.
I then found my current table on Wayfair for a third of the price and I love it! The best part is I don’t stress about it at all. Everyone can do all the things on it and I’m like whatever dudes, have fun! I do have some coasters but many times they are forgotten. Oh well.

I did a video review of the table and our experience with it. Buying it was a bit of a gamble because several reviews said the top wobbles once assembled. I took my chances.
My very handy hubs assembled the table and guess what, the top wobbled once assembled properly.
Watch my review below to see how to fix the wobble and get a closer look.
My skirted parson’s chairs and my rug are discontinued but I’m looking for an alternative for you and I’ll update if I find something.