Fall Festive Transfer Decor – Artsy Chicks Rule®

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Get your fall on with our Fall Festive transfer! So many uses and so many cute fall designs too!

Hello dear friends! And happy fall?? No, not yet but it’s really starting to feel like it here! I’m somewhat ready…sort of! Well, I’m ready for the super hot, muggy heat to go anyway.

Since it’s feeling like fall and it is September already, I thought I’d share a fun fall makeover today. PLUS, I’ve got a BUNCH of new fall items (decor moulds and transfers, etc) in the shop, plus other new items too. Be sure to hop on over and check them all out! (and more to come once I can sit down and upload the rest)

Today I’m making over another one from this group!

Fall Festive Transfer Decor – Artsy Chicks Rule®

That rectanglar sign over there on the right.

If you missed any of the other makeovers from this group, you can see them here:

Here it is before…

wood stained fall sign before

It’s already good for fall, right? Sure but it’s a tad worn and dingy looking. (that’s fabric)

I tried spray painting the fabric with primer because I considered painting over top of it. (I hadn’t planned to use this “Fall Festive transfer” originally) However, that didn’t work out too well. It just would not cover well and it was very fuzzy.

removing the fabric with fall sign printed on it

Then I decided to just pull off the fabric and it came right off! Easily!

After that, I sprayed the backing board with primer, let it dry, and then lightly sanded it to smooth it out.
Next, I put a coat of Victorian Lace paint over top of that.

taping up to protecttaping up to protect

Once that was dry, and after I’d decided to use the Fall Festive transfer, I decided that I would like the frame wood stained again!! Haha!!

Too bad I painted it white, huh?? 

But no worries, check this out! (I added FrogTape Delicate Surface over the painted areas to protect it from the stain)

with glove staining framewith glove staining frame

I used our Stain & Finishing Oil in the color Cappuccino right overtop of the white paint!

showing how white painted frame looks with stainshowing how white painted frame looks with stain

Just look at that.

You would absolutely never know that there was not “wood” underneath there. I mean there is but it’s white now and you’d never know!

staining white painted framestaining white painted frame

SO good.

frame stained with white centerframe stained with white center

The Fall Festive transfer has quite a few designs included but I chose to work with these.

framed sign with transfersframed sign with transfers

Laying them out to see exactly how I want to place them.

framed sign with fall transfersframed sign with fall transfers

Yes, just like that.

I considered this one longways with maybe a pumpkin on each side.

fall style transfersfall style transfers

But I thought it was a bit too small.

Then this one would’ve been fun too!

festive fall transfersfestive fall transfers

Both of those are all included in this pack >>> Fall Festive Transfer

And done! (I also applied a coat of Tough Coat overtop too…it’s out of stock but will be in early next week!)

using a brush to apply topcoatusing a brush to apply topcoat

So fun! This makes me ready for all things fall. How about you???

fall sign on mirrorfall sign on mirror

I’m loving the “wood” frame too!

fall sign on mirrorfall sign on mirror

Pretty on the mirror in the foyer.

fall sign on mirror in foyerfall sign on mirror in foyer

I used 3m tape to attach it.

Remember this small chest?? That I had no intention of keeping!! Ha!
I love it.
If you missed that makeover, you can read all about it here >>> Lighthouse Nautical Chest Makeover

fall sign on mirror over chest in foyer

fall sign on mirrorfall sign on mirror

Our pretty new front door back there. LOVE all the light it provides.

You could also use this sign like this. (or anywhere really!)

fall sign on fireplace surroundfall sign on fireplace surround

Or even welcome guests outside your home with a touch of fall.

fall sign on brick front wall of housefall sign on brick front wall of house

By the way, paint for the house in 3 weeks! Woohoo, so excited! (if you missed it, I talked all about that here)

And new light fixtures are coming too, I chose >> these. They haven’t come in yet so I hope I love them in person as much as I do online! Stay tuned!

fall sign on brick housefall sign on brick house

fall sign on brick frontfall sign on brick front

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Get your fall on with our Fall Festive transfer! So many uses and so many cute fall designs too! artsychicksrule.comGet your fall on with our Fall Festive transfer! So many uses and so many cute fall designs too! artsychicksrule.com

So what’s the verdict?? Are you ready for fall or do you want it to stay summer just a while longer??

Don’t forget to hop on over to the shop so see all the new items!! (transfers, moulds, tissue paper, and more!) If you prefer to shop on Etsy, you can find all of my shop things there too! Go here for our Etsy shop.


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