As a dry skin sufferer, I think I’ve realized that mostly anything in the makeup world that states that it’s “illuminating” or “hydrating” tends to really mean… “I’m gonna look and feel awesome when you initially put me on, but then after a little while I’ll probably crease, wear off or break up in weird patches wherever you applied me.” uggggh.
So, I’ve decided that you can’t trust what the bottle or tube says and to just give almost everything a go! And out of all of my concealer testing, (most claiming to be matte) that these are my current favorite, more hydrating formulas for my super dry, sensitive, acne prone skin – #1 being my favorite for it’s formula and cost.
That being said, I think a few of these would work amazingly on all skin types! I’d LOVE to hear your favorite concealer suggestions for dry, oily OR combination skin, in the comments below. That way everyone can get an idea of what works for others – since I’m only one of many different skin tones, textures and finishes.😊
I’d have to say that out of all these concealers this one is the most drying… which isn’t saying too much, because it still makes it onto my list. It’s got a similar, oversized applicator much like the ever popular Tart Shape Tape design, but isn’t nearly as drying as that formula.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the shape tape during certain seasons or when I need intense coverage, but for months where I’m really dry and my under eyes can’t handle that thick layer of matte concealer… I turn to one of these more hydrating ones.
At around $7 a tube, this is definitely worth a try for those of you who need that complete, full coverage, matte finish concealing – without a cracky dry finish.
I’m only adding this as my #4, because I don’t use it as an all over concealer. It’s my blemish/spot concealer – and I’ve had this same tube for about 3 years.
to pick up a fair amount, and then pat it on top of open or raw, stubborn, super red blemishes that repel other liquid concealers.
This guy (in my opinion) doesn’t have the greatest coverage, but it’s SUPER hydrating and you never have to worry about cracky looking skin or separation issues. It works well on dark circles, mature skin, and spot treating red or blotchy areas. It’s got a weird dispensing system where you turn, click and then push the product up to the sponge applicator. It’s not my favorite – but hey, whatcha gonna do? lol
Oh! Also, I find that this concealer actually layers well on top of existing makeup when I need to touchup. Maybe that’s a weird observation, but SO MANY of my other concealers won’t blend nicely into already set makeup – where this one does.
This concealer is on the more expensive side and slightly reminds me of the iT cosmetics bye-bye under eye consistency – but I think I actually like this better. It’s got a more luminous finish and it’s a bit more blendable. There’s something about this one that makes my concealed areas look a bit brighter, so it’s really good under the eyes. I also like how a lot of the shades have a strong yellow undertone to cancel out that red in my skin.
I was shocked when I tried this bad boy. This concealer feels really good on my skin and doesn’t ever look cakey – plus, it’s waterproof. If I want a lighter coverage I blend this formula in with a damp sponge. For more intense coverage, I take the time to blend the concealer out with my fingertip. The BIGGEST drawback to this one, is that it has the crappiest shade range… like… nonexistent.
I don’t know why I’ve put of talking about this concealer for so long… because I use it ALL the time, and dare I say it’s my favorite!?😄 Maybe it’s because I felt like I needed to looooove these other higher-end concealers, and there was no way that this $6 tube REALLY could beat them… but guess what? For me and my super dry skin… it DOES.
This formula is not only crazy affordable (I buy a ton of it when it’s like $4 on sale) but it’s creamy, super blendable, virtually crease proof and just really blurs out everything so well. It describes itself as a matte finish, but it really feels so much more hydrating and flexible on the skin to me than tons of other matte finish concealers. And bonus… it’s got a KILLER shade range for EVERY skin color.
Shipping is always free with a $30 purchase on Colourpop, so if you want ideas and info on other things you can try, to get to that “free shipping sweet spot”, then you can read all about my Colourpop favorites here. And just so you know, theres no affiliate network or kickback for me with this brand AT ALL (ugh😒, lol) so if you don’t trust that it’s an honest review (which I ALWAYS do anyway) at least you can know for sure now, that I truly think it really IS just such a good makeup line for the cost (which is stupid inexpensive).