I’ve been thinking back through the 15 homes we’ve lived in and this is only the third time we’ve had a dedicated laundry room. Not only that, this room is upstairs, it’s not also a landing place for the backdoor. It was the best laundry room we’ve ever had right from the start.

Really, painting it and removing the built in cabinet we never used would have been enough, but the room had one of only 3 large south facing windows in the upstairs and everyone who walked up the stairs was served up this view of a little piece of a wall blocking part of the window and it was throwing off all the symmetry.

Then this view (taken through the pocket door to the primary bath) had the opposite problem–too bad there wasn’t a little piece of wall right there against the dryer to tuck in the appliances.

So I asked my handyman to cut that piece of wall off (you can see where it was in the middle of the photo above) and move it next to the dryer. He had to rewire some light switches and move our thermostat, but it worked!

This is the view I wanted through that doorway!!
I decided to have the walls covered in beadboard. House Rule #57 is: When in doubt carry it out, and I already had beadboard in four other places in the house, so it made sense in here, too.

And here we are with the beadboard up, the ceiling is tongue & groove and because these floors are adjacent to 5 other rooms, I wasn’t ready to make a long term decision. So I went with a temporary fix of peel and stick tile.

I had vent holes drilled in the existing cabinets purely for adorableness reasons.

It’s not fully finished but it’s done enough to share for now. It’s charming and feels just right in our Victorian home.

Last time: here’s this view before we moved the little wall…

…and here it is after. That open door leads to an extra little room, the door on the right leads to a tiny hall with a bathroom and then to the stairs.

- Similar light
- Similar chair (My weekend workshop attendees spotted this one for me at an antique mall–don’t buy it new, you can always find them second hand!)
- Dustpan & brush We use ours often.
- Pegs Now we can hang everything!
- Paint: Sherwin Williams Oyster Bay (In enamel.)
- Glamorous Wash: I saw an influencer rave about this and it’s been in my cart for months–is it worth it?
- Pretty scissors: I have about 20 pairs of these in various sizes.
- White dresser similar Mine is one of my “Timeless Classics” and I’ve had it for almost 30 years.
- Lined baskets similar: I found mine at the At Home Store years ago.
- Stick on tiles: Shockingly good! I had my handyman install them and he was so fast and we’ve had zero issues. Ours are the Bonneville Beige.