The bar decor is coming along, and I’m having fun finding creative ways to display things we love! Two things we love: Proper Twelve Irish Whiskey (him) and candles (me). So I melted those two things together (literally) and came up with some candle bottle decor that I love.
Melted candle supply list:
Whatever you do. Make sure you place aluminum foil underneath the bottles. I may or may not have learned this lesson the hard way.
I found this box of candles at At Home. 10-12 inch candles will work. To get the candles into the bottles, hold a lighter to the bottom of the candle to warm it up. After a few seconds or so, place it into the bottle and twist it while pushing down gently. You’ll see that it forces the candle in and allows you to straighten it.
Here’s where the problem comes up. Taper candles today are made so they don’t drip all over. GREAT, candle makers of today. Thanks for making things better, therefore making things worse. 🙁
So there are a number of ways to actually get the wax to melt down the side. Essentially, you’ll need to make a channel for the wax to fall down. After some trial and error, I found that lighting another candle to burn said channel while also using wax from the candle I was holding worked best.
Don’t worry if that didn’t makes sense. Basically, you just need to help the candles along to get the wax to drip. Using a lighter or another candle is the best way. Melt it until you like the look, and you’re good to go!
I’m super pleased with how they turned out! It’s just the manly candle bottle decor I needed for some shelves. I can’t wait to show you more of the bar area! Don’t forget that I share lots of updates on Instagram if you want to follow me there!