When moving locally or across the country, you may not know it, but some household items are better off in a climate-controlled environment.
Expensive furniture, like leather, can be damaged if not taken care of properly, thus resulting in a loss that could’ve otherwise been avoided.
In this article, we’ll go into which items are best kept in a climate-controlled truck for safe-keeping and the best course of action to move them safely.
We’ll also dive deep into how you can move internationally and keep your items safe.
Read on down below to learn more about climate control moving!
What Items Require Climate Control?
Musical instruments
Some musical instruments, especially antiques, are made out of wood that can be damaged if left improperly stored during a move. The hotter it is, the more potential there is for the wood to warp, and lead to damage.
The more expensive the musical instrument, the more it makes sense to go with climate-controlled moving environments. It may come at a premium, but the other option is that you end up losing out on potentially thousands of dollars in investments.
You may not need to rely on a truck for smaller items like musical instruments as a freight company like UPS or Fedex can help expedite the process. Just remember to get insurance for your instrument, so you avoid any potential damage from the transit.
Documents, or anything made out of paper for that matter (like books) are also better off kept in a climate-controlled environment. Your financial records and the birth certificates of your loved ones are better kept in climate-controlled storage long term. Any damage can have severe consequences that could’ve otherwise been avoided.
Antiques are a fragile item, as over time, the material starts to degrade. If it’s vintage furniture, then it’s paramount that these items are moved with a controlled truck. You can use Three Movers climate controlled relocation services for any antiques (or other items) that require climate controlled moving.
Heat can destroy soft materials like vinyl. Record collections (or anything made out of wax and plastic) can be worth a fortune by themselves. The unfortunate part about record collections is that they also weigh quite a bit, so moving them in a controlled environment can be on the more expensive side.
Furniture that is made out of wood and leather is at the most risk of being damaged due to extreme heat or extreme cold. Expert moving companies know this and rely on climate-controlled trucks to help transport expensive furniture that may otherwise be damaged.
Delicate fabrics can be prone to mold if the humidity during transport is high. If you have clothes that are designer brands and expensive, moving them in a controlled fashion may be the right play. To save on paying for a truck, you can go for a climate-controlled shipping service instead.
Art is susceptible to being damaged by humidity, extreme heat, or cold. Stable conditions during travel will ensure that your expensive pieces are not going to be damaged during the big move. Regardless of whether you are using a climate-controlled system, having insurance for any expensive art during shipment is going to reduce any risk to zero.
How to Move With a Climate-Controlled Environment?
Rent a truck
Common truck rental services like U-haul can help you rent a truck. One downside is that it may be difficult for you to handle if you haven’t driven a truck before. If you’re comfortable driving a big rig, then you’ll be able to transport your belongings in a controlled manner, reducing any damage wherever you’re moving.
Hire a moving company
Moving services are well aware of how delicate some belongings can be, and thus offer climate-controlled moving environments to help reduce damage. Be careful though, as you need to vet your moving service to ensure that you’re working with a legitimate company.
Check out the online reviews, and any available rating aggregators. Moving companies are often frowned upon for poor service, but with some due diligence, you can avoid any trouble down the line. The biggest worry is damage to your precious items, so don’t make mistakes by working with the wrong company.
What if You’re Moving Overseas?
If you’re moving overseas temporarily, one option is to keep your belongings in climate-controlled storage until you get back. Another option is to utilize cargo containers that have climate control.
Shipping containers can cost $3000-7500 each depending on where you’re moving, but climate control options are going to range on the more expensive side.
Airlines with cargo-controlled freight are another option. It’s typical for pets to take a long journey in the cargo section, and it’s typically kept at a moderate temperature. If you have critically sensitive items though, you may want to decide on a different option.
Final Thoughts
Moving in a climate-controlled setting can help reduce the risk of any damage along the journey. If you have expensive art, a record collection, or fine clothing, then going with climate-controlled solutions can help reduce the risk of damage.
Bigger items like furniture will require expert handling from service professionals. You should plan as climate controlled moving is not a typical service, and you may need to reserve the truck well in advance to ensure that you can move on time.