Our hardworking coffee station got a little update!
Can you tell what it is?
After years of making lattes on our trusty espresso machine, this Nespresso coffee maker came out and I never looked back.
Combined with the milk brother, this is by far the easiest and quickest way to make a latter, or a cup of coffee.
So, out went the espresso machine and in moved the Nespresso.
The crock holds all my espresso and coffee pods, and the canisters hold instant coffee, tea, and sugar packets.
You can get the DIY for the canisters I made here.
I love having the stackable mugs right there, and since they stack, they don’t take up too much room.
And the Jenni Kayne musk candle makes the kitchen smell like a boutique hotel.

Under the coffee station is our microwave, and under that my collection of cookbooks.